AccueilTranslation AlertsSalut d’autrui 101

Salut d’autrui 101

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Alerte de traduction 101 | CD #1050 | 01/05/1985

Gloire au Seigneur ! Se sentir bien ce soir ? Il est vraiment génial. N’est-ce pas lui ? Seigneur, nous t’aimons ce soir et chacun de nous s’unit dans la puissance de l’Esprit, sachant que tu es avec nous toujours où que nous soyons. Mais ici, dans l’unité et la puissance, nous venons à vous dans le culte divin. Tu vas répondre à tous nos besoins et guider chacun de nous ce soir, Seigneur. Tendez la main, touchez les nouveaux cœurs ce soir. Qu’ils ressentent l’onction et la puissance qui délivrent, Seigneur. Nos yeux, nos yeux spirituels sont bien éveillés et nous voulons recevoir des choses de toi ce soir. Touchez les corps. Enlève les douleurs de ce service, Seigneur, et les tensions de cette vie que nous leur ordonnons de partir parce que tu portes nos fardeaux maintenant. Amen. Applaudissez le Seigneur ! Gloire au Seigneur ! D’accord, allez-y et asseyez-vous.

Vous savez, parmi les différents messages et tout, parfois vous êtes en prière, vous savez, et le Seigneur vous annoncera simplement à ce qui est d’une grande nécessité, et à ce que nous avons vraiment besoin d’entendre, et à ce que nous avons vraiment besoin de savoir. Alors, ce que je pensais être un petit message, j’ai commencé à écrire des notes pour le message qui me parvenait. Je vais lire ces notes et ensuite entrer dans le message des Écritures. Je crois que cela va aider chacun d’entre vous parce que c’est pour vous. C’est pour moi et pour tout le peuple du Seigneur, et ceux qui sont encore loin et qui doivent venir entendront ceci sur cassette.

Maintenant, écoutez très attentivement ici. Maintenant, sauver les autres. Combien d’entre vous y croient ? En publiant, par des livres, par la radio, par la télévision, par l’onction, par le témoignage, par des linges de prière, de toutes les manières dont le Saint-Esprit nous donne la puissance de témoigner. La Bible dit que nous pouvons dire avec audace que le Seigneur est mon aide dans tout ce que nous faisons (Hébreux 13:6). Amen. Maintenant, c’est ce que j’ai écrit dans une note qui me parvient. Le message le plus important et le plus vital de l’heure est le salut des âmes. Écoutez ça attentivement. Il apporte la sagesse et apporte la moisson. En d’autres termes, la Bible dit qu’il faut lui apporter les gerbes. Il [le message sur le salut des âmes] n’est pas aussi populaire ou aussi désiré que la prophétie ou la révélation ou parler des dons de guérison, des dons de miracles et d’opérations de ce genre. Ce n’est pas aussi populaire que certains des messages économiques que vous entendez de temps en temps aujourd’hui ou aussi populaire que la prédication sur le pouvoir de la foi. Mais c’est le message le plus important. C’est le plus vital. Mais maintenant, c’est l’œuvre la plus précieuse dont nous avons besoin parce qu’Il a écrit ceci : Le temps presse, mes enfants. Gloire! Alléluia! Maintenant, vous voyez à quelle heure nous vivons. Quelle opportunité se présente et elle est ici maintenant ! C’est vraiment merveilleux. Maintenant, l’Homme en voyage lointain – qui est Jésus dans la parabole – est prêt à revenir, et nous devons rendre compte.

Rappelez-vous qu’Il a dit qu’Il était comme un homme en voyage lointain. Il nous l’a remis et le portier doit veiller et les domestiques doivent faire leur travail. L’homme du voyage lointain est prêt à revenir. Nous devons rendre des comptes. Puis Il dit à chacun son œuvre. Tout ce que le Seigneur a mis dans son cœur, tout ce que le Seigneur lui a dit, il doit en rendre compte. Celui qui sauve les âmes est vraiment sage, dit la Bible. Et ils devraient briller comme l’onction et comme les puissances des cieux pour toujours, dit la Bible dans Daniel 12. Maintenant, le Seigneur a commencé à s’occuper de moi et j’ai écrit ceci parce que je venais à ces Écritures et il y avait des centaines d’Écritures. J’ai commencé à en choisir un peu. C’est un peu comme s’Il m’avait guidé et m’avait donné un mélange de ces Écritures. Or, les Ecritures disent dans la Bible, à travers la Bible, qu’à la fin des temps, il y aurait une faim donnée. Il y aurait une soif de la véritable puissance de Dieu au milieu du péché, du chaos et de la crise, et des temps périlleux, et de la méchanceté et de la débauche des incroyants. Il y aurait une faim donnée et le Seigneur atteindrait ces âmes. Quel moment !

Une époque si impie dans laquelle nous vivons. Il se referme sous nos yeux et nous n’avons pas exactement besoin d’utiliser nos yeux spirituels pour le voir. Nos yeux naturels peuvent voir les signes et les prodiges prédits tout autour de nous. En fait, ils nous marchent dessus et nous renversent. Il y a tellement de signes qu’ils peuvent à peine en connaître aucun. Il y a tellement de signes dans la Bible à gauche et à droite, par les nouvelles ou de n’importe quelle manière ou direction que vous regardez. Ainsi, nous découvrons qu’il y aura de la faim parmi nous. Peu importe ce que les gens font. Peu importe ce que les gens disent, peu importe ce qui se passe, il y a une faim donnée à ce moment-là. Matthieu 25 nous raconte comment cela se glisse là-dedans. Au cours des dernières années, il y a eu une fondation puissante posée, non seulement par mon ministère, mais par tous ceux qui prêchent vraiment la Parole de Dieu. Il se peut qu’ils n’aient pas toutes les réponses dans la Bible, ni les secrets, ni les révélations, ni un don très puissant, mais ils ont reçu un message et ils savent que c’est un message de la Bible. Il y a eu des ministères doués depuis 1946 – allant et venant – et une fondation puissante a été posée. Maintenant, il y avait une accalmie ; Il faisait un peu plus de planification sous la pluie d’avant. Et ce fondement qui a été posé va donner une moisson. C’est de cela qu’il s’agit. Quand cette moisson arrive, elle va réchauffer ce soleil, l’onction. Comme dans tous les champs de blé, il y a un moment juste avant la récolte où le soleil est le plus chaud et où il produit le grain. Ça sort tout de suite, juste comme ça !

Now, there would be by prophecy a great resurgence. We are in some of it now—a great religious resurgence in the United States and in many parts of the world too, and we have been going through that maybe since 1946, when the resurgence set in. And there is a resurgence of revival and a resurgence of God’s power to His people. So, there is going to be a resurgence all over the nations and then it would change. What looked like a lamb would be as a dragon. And then even in this nation, see? It would be against the law to preach exactly as the Word of God is. There would be a hunger then for the Word of God. Now the tribulation begins to set in and then it would change. Of course, it said all nations and all tongues—it didn’t exclude this nation at all. Whosoever said it did doesn’t have the right mind—would come under this religious power that turned sour. God has taken His elect. Amen? And they [the world] would give homage to their Fuhrer. You know, that is symbolism. That means the antichrist. This is to show you how it would come in such a way that it would go into dictatorship, see?

Now is the time–but before that there is that great resurgence. It would look like the whole world is going to get saved now. Watch out! Not even the foolish virgins were able to get there (translation). Glory! Alleluia! How many of you are with me now? It’s exactly right. Listen to these scriptures. They are very short, potent and powerful. So, while we are in a great revival–don’t forget–suddenly there would be a great translation, and the best thing that God has in this world is gone! After that there is nothing but trouble and chaos, and such drastic, extreme, and dramatic changes that the world has ever seen. It is set up by God’s time clock and time is running out. You know, proper timing for a message—a proper time to give each message, and many times, it will come just like the Lord wants to give it. It’s the first scripture that He gave me: “A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in pictures of silver” (Proverbs 25:11). Did you ever read that in the bible? That’s exactly right. It is like that. How beautiful! It is spoken at the proper time.

Now, not maybe, if or possibly, but God said, I will pour out my Spirit upon all flesh– all colors, all races, to the Jew, to the Greek, to the Gentile (Acts 2: 17). I will pour my Spirit out to the bond, to the rich, to the poor, to the little, to the old and so forth. See; fitly spokenSo, if He pours that Spirit out, there is going to be a shaking, and everything that God shakes down loose from Him is not His. Boy, what can’t be shaken loose will be taken away. Praise ye the Lord! He is really great. Now, and you know–the song tonight—I didn’t know they were going to sing that song. But the third card, listen to this: This is the day that the Lord has made. What has been spoken here tonight in the revival—the Saving of Others—and not just oneself. The saving of others—there will be opportunities. There will be times of great witnessing never seen before. No matter about those who have excuses. You know, they say, “I have to go over here and build this, and I have to do this, and I have to get married, go over there and do that.” There will be a time for you to witness and it will come in the proper hour.

This is the day which the Lord has made. It is a beautiful day and we will rejoice and be glad in it. It didn’t say–we possibly—it says we will rejoice and be glad in it (Psalm 118: 18). Now, how many are rejoicing? How many are glad? Today they are doing the opposite. Watch out how it says we will rejoice, we will be glad. Are you doing that? If you are, then this scripture did not slip up on you says the Lord. Oh, my! I read that and I said, am I rejoicing? I got happy. Amen. It says we will rejoice and be glad. People are doing just the opposite of that and yet it’s in the bible. Watch each scriptures—word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in pictures of silver. I will pour out my Spirit upon all flesh. All of these [scriptures] are coming together. Now, follow me—when you follow somebody, you have confidence in them and you are staying right with them. See? Like Elijah and Elisha—stay right on line. Follow me and I will make you fishers of me (Matthew 4: 19). Follow me–when He spoke that; that was for the entire population that wants to be fishers of men. He said He will make you fishers of men in some way, some fashion, some form or another.

It’s been said that everybody on this earth—the whole human race—if they would just allow God to bring out some of that He has given them. It’s exactly right. So, follow Me and I will make you fishers of men. Now follow Him. That sounds easy, doesn’t it? But go back and ask the disciples. Preach that Word, see? Power over those evil spirits. See; power of prayer as an example. Up early, praying. Witnessing the true Word of God. Able to take the criticism. Able to take the persecution, ignore the satanic forces except when necessary to get the point over. See; we will rejoice and be glad. And they said, “That ought to be easy.” It wasn’t, when it was over with, was it? And yet by the Holy Spirit it is easy when God leads you. If you follow Him in the bible—what He says to do—you will be fishers of men. He will bring it out of you. He will do this for you. For thou Lord art good and ready to forgive and plenteous in mercy unto all. Now one person says, “I don’t believe the Lord is good and kind to me.” How kind are you to the Lord? Are you rejoicing and glad that the Lord has made this day? Now its har–when satan gets through with you, you’ll wonder where God is even at. See? He is right with you all the time. Now satan, he can get a hold of you, see? If he can and if he does—whatever God has been doing for you, what He is doing around you, he [satan] will take your attention from that. So, he [the psalmist] said “mercy unto all.” Then he said, “For thou, Lord art good, and ready to forgive; and plenteous in mercy unto all them that call upon thee” (Psalm 86:5).

“Wherefore He is able also to save them to the uttermost that come unto God by him, seeing he ever liveth to make intercession for them” (Hebrews 7:25). Now, sometimes you see people walking around the street and you say there isn’t anything God is going to do for those people. Now there isn’t anything God is going to do for those people where I work. Now you are probably 80% to 90% right. But there is always that 10% that you will be wrong. Amen. Also, in the school—what can God do with some of these children? They probably said that about me when I was growing up, but I am here preaching tonight. That’s the Lord! You know, we’ve got to—Now I won’t get into that. It will hurt my message. He stopped me then. “Seeing he ever liveth to make intercession for them.” He is ever living to make intercession for whatever happens to you (Hebrews 7: 25). And He is able to save to the uttermost. What I began to say was—I won’t get into the details of it—it’s the enthusiasm of the Holy Spirit. Let’s get it working. Let’s get it here tonight. Allow it to work. That’s a better way to put it.

Now, whatsoever thine hand findeth to do, do it with all thine might. He is positive. Isn’t He? No wonder people fall short. You see, people can do things. They can go out here and do things, and they put everything they’ve got behind it in ball [sport] or whatever it is. You know, some of them play games and all kinds of things in their work and whatever it is. But how many of them will go out—whatever thy hand finds to do, do it with all thy might—for God? How many of you realize that tonight? In other words, do it with all thy might, and thy heart, soul and body for the Lord. Be positive about it. Don’t be negative about God’s work at all. Always be praying. Be positive. Be confident in all that God has said for He will surely bring it to pass, and He will leave a great blessing behind as He does it. He is wonderful! You know, sometimes in any revival or great revival that God gives, at first, sometimes in the planning it is hard. Harvest—when it gets to the proper time then is rejoicing that they have never seen. We’ve had some great laborers that are already gone since Apostle Paul and so forth. They laid the foundation and it is getting stronger as we go. God is building a building. He is building to that point, the apex. Amen. Right to the Capstone, He is coming on up there—and in many hours of toil, coming on up. Each one faithful, doing it with all their might and with all the power that God gave them to come on through there. We can look back in the past and see that stone being laid from Paul’s days from the disciples of our Lord Jesus Christ, and from the Lord Jesus Christ right on up.

Sometimes it’s really hard in the hours that we live in and in the planning time that we are living in now. We are coming into harvest now. We’ve been in some planning time all the way up through. Now, that latter rain comes and the sun, boy, it’s going to form that rainbow. Amen. He is coming. They that sow in tears shall reap in joy. Sowing in tears many times—heartbreak—to get the Word out. Heartbreak–to see that it is all going to where God wants it. Heartbreak, sometimes in witnessing. Heartbreaks–and you see people the way that they would do the Lord after He has done such great things for those people too. Great miracles in here [Capstone Cathedral]–that God has performed. Let me tell you, those that sow in tears shall reap in joy. That scripture is absolutely true and you find out that every Word that’s ever spoken in this pulpit will be squared away in His eyes, will be squared away in His face. You will not escape the Word because when you look at Him, you are looking at liquid Word right there—the Eternal PowerThat Word is wrapped up in Him, in His eyes, in His mouth, in His jaw, in His shoulders, in His forehead, in His neck. Right there, these words are eternal. Great harvest is here.

Whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved (Acts 2: 21). Now, great harvest is here. Whosoever shall call upon the Name of the Lord shall be saved. What mercy! Whosoever will, let him come. There is nobody in this world where the Word is being preached that will tell the Lord He did not give them an opportunity. There are deep crevices—places in the world that already died away before the Word reached them. But in the age where this message has reached out and it says here—whosoever shall call upon the Name of the Lord shall be saved—whosoever will, let him come—before He closed the book of Revelation. What an outpouring that is upon all flesh! I will pour out my Spirit upon those that believe it. What a wonderful thing! And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes (Revelation 21: 4). I am telling you, isn’t it going to be marvelous? No more tears—all for the Lord. The liberal soul—the one that loves God’s Word, loves God’s work, loves to pray, loves to see people saved, loves to see others saved—the liberal soul shall be made fat, and he that watereth shall be watered also himself (Proverbs 11: 25). He that watereth and helps shall be watered also himself. If you save others, you are saving your own soul.

Sometimes it would be in your giving. Sometimes it would be in your prayers. Sometimes it would be in your witnessing. Sometimes it would be carrying [out] some type of Word publishing or cassette or whatever it is—you will also be watered yourself. He is really wonderful! Isn’t He? What a wonderful foundation tonight! A little prophecy came in the first part of that about how the nations would go and what would happen finally—what looks so great, turns the other way. What a time of planning! Actually, since way back He’s been planning it all through the ages coming right on up to the age we are living in where it’s now our age with the strongest Word, and the strongest of power, and the fullness of God’s power. The only place that had ever seen it like that was when Jesus Himself came as the Messiah and revealed His Glory and Power. Then He said lo, I am with you always even to the end of the world, in signs, in wonders. He said the works that I do shall you do also. Oh, He laid a standard down there and a foundation that cannot be broken by anybody—in the Word of the Lord. Yea, even a child can understand this, saith the Lord. Simplicity—no matter how complicated you might think I get at times, there are moments when it is simple when God brings such a message.

Saving others, see; we are at the end. It is the most vital, it is the most important message right now of all messages because the Lord said, and time is short. You don’t have forever to work. You don’t. Time is short. Pray for those in distant lands, and those in this city. Great revival will come to this city in the future like never seen before. One of these days–such great power. I am not talking about just like a revival or something like that. I am talking about something that will go on for months probably, by that power of God that we have never seen before. Maybe it will go on for six months to one year before the translation. He is coming with great power! The liberal soul shall be made fat and he that watereth shall be watered also himself. Watch ye, stand fast–means watch ye, stand solid, solid in the faith–quit ye like men. Be strong. In other words, don’t hesitate. Don’t delay, but be strong and solid in faith, keeping the faith, contending for the faith, holding to the faith, believing [in] the faith at all times. There would be a reward and there would be a great thing that God will do —even in your life, if you follow these scriptures—there would be a great blessing left by the Lord. I really realize that with all my heart. But you must do [this is what you must do]; follow Me. Tonight that is what He is saying in the message.

You know the first thing that Jesus did—what was the first thing? He told the devil to get out of His way. Why, He put him out of there. He didn’t talk to him. He knew how to put him out of there. He started right with the Word. He stayed right with that Word. He just burned him right out of there. He got rid of the devil for a while. He just blew him out of the way, showing you right then that you just need to get him [the devil] out of the way now. Then the next thing He began to do was turn Himself toward saving others, delivering others, working miracles and preaching. The bible said the Spirit of the Lord is upon me. I am anointed to deliver and to preach the salvation of the gospel to the lost and to set the captives free (Luke 4: 18-19). After defeating the satanic forces and after coming out of the wilderness, first, He set His sights on God. Follow me, I will make you fishers of men. You may not be able to follow up quite like the Messiah, but I tell you what? If you can just get within 10% of the Great One—Oh my! In the wake of that, you will have power. How many of you realize what He said tonight? He reached out where most people would never go. I like the sound of that for most people here. If you just get 10% of what the Messiah reached out and got—you know He was able to create. The dead walked after He spoke. Oh my! Praise the Lord! But I want you to get more than 10%–all that you can get. Amen?

So, He set His sights on God. Right from the beginning He is showing us; He set His sights right there. When you are converted, when the Lord comes into your heart, anchor that soul with Him there. See; nail it right down there. Don’t say I will see about more of this later. No, no, no. Satan’s already got to you. Nail that right down. He got up, turned around, blew satan out of His way—turned with great compassion. No matter what the Pharisees were saying. No matter what the unbelievers were saying. With great compassion He began to save souls from the least to the greatest. It didn’t make any difference how bad their sins were. It didn’t make any difference what they were doing, He had time for them. In fact, to show you evangelism, He preached to multitudes and then He turned around and there would be a few that He called aside and He would preach to them. At night time, a few crept in and He would preach to them. He was busy. And one time, He would rather go without eating than to miss this soul here to save. One time, to show you about evangelism—He showed this to you tonight—saving of others. He sat down at the well with a woman most would have run off, and many preachers today probably. They are just self-righteous, you see. Jesus sat down one on one and talked with one soul. He would speak to multitudes, but yet in evangelism many times it was one that He spoke to.  And He straightened that life out. He told [them] who He was (John 4: 26; 9: 36-37).

You never know who you are talking to. Someone talked to me in my life before, when I was a child. I always remembered a lot of things that my folks said and different things like that. But when it got to the hour to call me, all of that, and the messages from time to time had a bearing. Alright, look what God did! I would rather be doing this than right over where I was doing nothing. I tell you what? What I was doing was wrecking my life, damaging my health and I was going faster than a vapor. Now, somebody took time. You never know who you are talking to—to witness. But God came to me. It was in a way that He chose in providence. Nevertheless, you never know who you are talking to. There is that one soul. Most of them wouldn’t give it [her] the time of the day. But Jesus took [time] out of a busy schedule, He was hungry, and He sat down and talked to one soul showing us what evangelism is all about—one on one. You don’t have to be [perform], Jesus said, as great as the miracles I performed. You can sit down like this—and He talked with that woman. Remember, you’ll never know who you are talking to. That woman jumped up. The disciples went away. He was talking with a Samaritan. He was not supposed to be dealing with them right now. He was supposed to be dealing with the Jews. And that one that He talked to jumped up and thousands came out to hear the gospel. He didn’t go into the city, but He did tell them about the power of God and they all intently listened. See? The woman became an evangelist, a missionary and went into that city. That one person aroused thousands.

My ministry has aroused thousands of people and hundred have been saved and healed by the power of God because somebody took time. D. L. Moody, somebody took time. Finney, one person took time. Some of the greatest evangelists that you have ever seen in this world, somebody sat with them one on one. That’s how it happened. It didn’t always happen in great revivals or in outpourings that swept here and there. Sometimes it was just a witness, and that person got that witness, and turned in to save hundreds of thousands and millions of people. You never know who you are talking to. Do you realize that tonight? Somebody talked to you, you see, you are able to listen here tonight. Aren’t you? So, besides the multitudes, the power, the radio and the television, publishing and, the printed page and all these things that we have today, reaching out to save souls, you have to do one on one [evangelism] if you run into them [people]. Jesus has given you that privilege. He has given you that commission. He has, yea, given you that authority! Do you realize what He is telling you tonight? See; opportunities will arise. Opportunities are coming. Time is short indeed. He will need as many mouths as He can get to talk and blessed are they that talk. Amen. That is great! Isn’t it?

The Lord God is a Sun–energy, power—and He is a Shield—Protector. The Lord God will give grace and glory. No good thing will He withhold from them that walk uprightly before Him (Psalm 84: 11). I will make you fishers of men. Whether it is one on one, twenty, hundred or a thousand, I will make you fishers of men. Just listen to Him. What an opportunity at the end of the age! My, a glorious time! Sometimes in my heart it is difficult for me to reveal to the people what a glorious time you are living in. You allow the things of the world, all of the cares of this life, busy thinking about other things until sometimes the old flesh and the senses just cheat you out of everything. What a glorious time! And satan knows that it is such a time that God has spoken. This is the day that the Lord has made, and satan said, “I am going to keep them from rejoicing. I am going to keep them from being glad.” He has done a pretty good job, but he hasn’t stopped me yet. He won’t stop you. How many of you can say praise the Lord? He will never stop that real elect of GodThey may have their disappointments from time to time, and their tests and their trials, but they will come out of those things, bringing in the sheaves. Amen. Glory to God! It does say there will be weeping during a period of time, then there will be rejoicing. Bring them in, glory to God, at the time of the work [harvest]! The Lord has done great things for us wherefore we are glad (Psalm 126: 3). Isn’t He great!

But without faith it is impossible to please God. For he that cometh to God must believe that He is. You believe that He is. Amen. And that He is a Rewarder—now you are not only to believe that He is, you have to believe that He is a Rewarder of them that diligently seek Him (Hebrews 11: 6). There has been faith planted in your heart that you don’t even know anything about. Why don’t you use it? You know this message ought to electrify your heart. Oh my! Not because I am giving this message, I would like to sit down and have someone give the message as far as I am concerned and listen to it myself. But I know when God puts His hand on something, and I know when God is speaking to His people all over the world through this cassette. He is doing it. He is not only speaking to you people here. This is going by cassette all over. And if is over—put it in a book form, it will be going in the printed page. Now there is coming for those that diligently seek Him and those that believe in this message tonight—believe in saving others—there is coming a reward and there is coming a great blessing. This is the opportunity. Don’t let the devil blind you from the hour that you live in. Oh, what a glorious hour!

The Messiah–when He came—what did satan do? That was the day that the Lord had made too and they should rejoice and be glad. What happened? All of the ones that were religious were mad. All of those that were sinners were glad to hear Him, the sick ones. But 95% of the Pharisees—they were mad and weren’t glad. Satan had gotten a hold of them. But that was the day the Lord had made and we should rejoice in it. His return is near. Now this is the day that the Lord has made for us. He will come in our generation not in some other generation. I believe He is coming in our generation and time is short. Don’t ever let the devil steal the hour that is yours. This is a glorious hour, and rejoice, rejoice saith the LordYou know when you are about to receive eternal life and get rid of some of these problems, and things that are in this world, that alone should make a man rejoice. Then you know, if you can’t, you have somewhere else to go. You’ve got to get this old flesh out of the way. You’ve got to start praising the Lord. You’ve got to be more positive. You’ve got to be happy. Amen. Rejoice! This is the day the Lord has made. The way the bible talks about it sure shows great happiness and power, doesn’t it? For God has not given us the spirit of fear. Don’t hold back on this the Lord says. But He has given us power not fear. And He has given us love and He has given us a sound mind to carry out the orders of the Lord. Amen. You’ve got a sound mind if you carry out this Word of the Lord. Now, the devil tells you, “Well, your anxiety.” See, it’s going to get on you mentally. And people, they get all frustrated, you see. But the Lord has given you a sound mind. You tell satan that.

You see, satan is battling for the minds and hearts of the people. There is such a great obsession, possession and all kinds of things in this world. We see it every day in the newspapers. It’s happening in every way. Oppressions that just make people feel bad, oppressing them in such a way as to wring out the joy, just to take and wring out the happiness see? But with courage, do it with all thy might, be confident in thine heart to believe me [the Lord], he [satan] can’t wring that out of there because that joy will remain in there. Then too when you sit in darkness—no matter if you are in school, overseas, on your job, in your neighborhood, in your home wherever you are—when I sit in darkness, the Lord shall be a light to me. Sometimes–and this has three interpretations: When you are in a land where there is no salvation hardly and nothing hardly. Now many missionaries face this—and darkness and so forth—the light of the Lord will be with you even though you are there seemingly by yourself. Now it breaks down into the other interpretations too. It says when I sit in darkness—that means when sinners are around you—the way things are today, vexing [vexation]–the things that vex the sinners come around, and the arguing, arguments, and all these things, and the troublemakers and gossips. You know, the things that happen in life and the cares of this life. It says when you sit in darkness—satan tries to bring it in every direction, on your job or wherever you are. Remember, it may look dark at times. The Lord shall be a light unto me (Micah 7:8). I think that is really great.

Then if you say, how in the world will a man do all of that? Paul said in Philippians 4: 13, I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me. We can do it, can’t we? The bible said we may boldly say that the Lord is our helper and the Lord will be with us in the time of need. This is the last one here. The eyes of the Lord are over the righteous and His ears are open unto their prayer (1 Peter 3:12). His ears are open. His eyes are over the righteous. That is the Holy Spirit eyes. Being confident now of this very thing that He who has begun a good work in you will perfect it unto the day of the Lord Jesus Christ (Philippians 1: 4). I will give unto him that is athirst of the fountains of the water of life freely (Revelation 21: 6). How much of that do you want tonight? All of it—from the fountain of life—He will give to you freely. If you have faith as a grain of mustard seed, you will say unto this mountain, be thou removed and be moved to yonder place. Some will say in this age that we live in and the ways things are occurring, how in the world will people come unto God? He will move that mountain by your faith—hence to yonder place. I will remove that mountain, and it shall be removed. And He said nothing shall be impossible unto you (Matthew 17:20).

If you have faith as a grain of mustard seed—now, that little seed, let me explain. It is a little tiny seed. It is microscopic and you plant it in the ground; leave it alone. With proper water, it grows without anything, just nature. And that seed gets so powerful that it’s not just a bush or a vine or a weed-like condition. It grows on. It’s only one of its kind. It grows into a tree—with birds on its branches—faith and power. Now the church was in a cocoon. The book of Acts came out of a great cocoon. It went into great power and faith, and it developed into resurrection power for them at the end of the age. Now the age that we live in we are just like in the book of Acts and back in the days of Jesus. We are coming—the first great move of revival begins to push that church out of the cocoon, out of the cocoon of faith. Somebody looks and says it looks like it is alive. It looks like something is occurring in there! That little seed is fixing to grow. Now the church is coming out into the latter rain. When it gets out of the cocoon, there would be a dramatic change. She [the church] would be a beautiful butterfly, and it would be a monarch butterfly. And the faith will change into a powerful translative [faith]. That is what comes out of the cocoon, and gets its wings because you know it cannot fly until it comes out of the cocoon and gets its wings. And then the butterfly can fly thousands of miles. So what we are doing—the church is coming out of that cocoon into a great butterfly, and that is the life of the mustard seed of faith. It is a little seed growing and it is growing out of bush-like into that tree condition.

Et maintenant, à la fin de l’âge, sauver les autres, c’est ce qui va se passer. L’église sort de ce cocon pour la traduction. Il sort de là pour prendre son envol. Il entrera dans cette métamorphose, ce changement. Quelle belle foi en la puissance ! Dieu, magnétiquement, attirera ses enfants directement vers lui. Il est le Polonais. Il est la norme. Il restera là. J’ai lu beaucoup d’Ecritures ce soir, mais chacune d’entre elles est vraie et s’accomplira. Combien d’entre vous croient cela ce soir ? La note clé à cela – ne laissez pas cela de côté, il m’a dit – priez pour que le fruit reste dans ce prochain mouvement [mouvement]. C’est une chose d’apporter du fruit. C’en est une autre de prier et d’avoir le fruit qui reste. Nous entrons dans une heure où un grand réveil est en train de se produire et la note-clé maintenant est : de grands réveils sortent de grandes réunions de prière. Chaque heure, chaque occasion à laquelle vous pouvez penser, louez Dieu. Remerciez le Seigneur pour le réveil. Remerciez-Le simplement dans votre cœur. Et tous les gens, une prière de Dieu viendra sur eux, et pendant qu’Il prie, nous allons entrer dans ce papillon. Nous allons entrer dans la foi la plus grande et la plus puissante.

Maintenant, les dons et la puissance, et ce que Dieu a dit, se trouvent ici même. Les gens doivent arriver à un niveau. Vous savez que Moïse était doué. Il a dû attendre 40 ou 80 ans au total avant d’y aller. Mais nous arrivons à la fin de l’âge. C’est donc le message le plus important : sauver les autres, les âmes. Celui qui sauve les âmes est sage. Les miracles sont merveilleux ; Nous en avons tout le temps, des guérisons, des mystères, de la foi, de la puissance, des révélations. Ils viendront toujours du Seigneur. Mais aujourd’hui, le temps presse. Vous savez que quand ce sera fini, vous n’aurez pas le temps de sauver des âmes. Il est donc important de prier pour les gens de ce monde qui viennent à Dieu. Il est important de prier pour les gens à l’étranger qui travaillent pour amener les âmes à Dieu. Nous sommes à l’heure même où nos prières font le meilleur travail qu’elles peuvent faire pour Dieu.

J’aimerais que vous vous leviez ici ce soir. Que Dieu bénisse tous ceux qui écoutent cette cassette. Je crois que le Seigneur veut que tout le monde entende cela. Je prie le Seigneur qu’ils ne pensent pas que c’était simplement pour leur dire quelque chose ou pour les harceler. Je n’ai pas fait ça. Je n’aime pas m’en prendre aux gens parce que Dieu s’en occupe, à moins que je n’y sois obligé. Souvenez-vous ce soir, d’une parole prononcée en saison. C’est dit au bon moment. C’est comme des pommes d’or dans une image d’argent. Ce message ne mourra pas ce soir. Le Seigneur me fait savoir dans mon cœur que cela se passera par cassettes. Cela se poursuivra dans vos maisons. Cela va se passer partout et je vais continuer à vaquer à mes occupations. Je crois qu’on en a assez dit ici pour convertir le monde entier. Nous nous dirigeons vers un grand renouveau. C’est le jour que le Seigneur a fait, réjouissons-nous et soyons dans l’allégresse. Si vous avez besoin du salut ce soir, Dieu vous parle. Faites la queue. Réjouissons-nous !

101 – Salut des autres


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